Connect To Metatrader5 (MT5)

Connect To Metatrader5 (MT5)

How to connect to Metatrader5 (MT5)?


Step 1

1. Sign in to access the main page.

Step 2 – 3

2. Select the “MT5” option
3. Scroll down to choose the download link that matches your operating system (iOS or Android).

Step no. 4 – 5

4. Choose Install to download and install on the device.
5. Choose to open the application “MetaTrader 5”

Connect To Metatrader4 (MT4)

Step no. 6 – 7

6. Choose Start.
7. Click the plus symbol to add users, which can use unlimited IDs per device.

Step no. 8 – 9

8. Choose “A space to search”
9. Search for “Strikepro”. You can log in to both real and demo ports.

Step no. 10 – 11

10. Note the ID and Password from the Email to use for Login-in MT5.
– Notice should see the ID of the port if it is the port that you want to use or not.
11. Put it in MT5, ready to use.